Sunday, 16 August 2009


Yep, there I've said it - The Grapes Of Wrath is the best dern book I ever read.
Thank you John Steinbeck.

Just finished it and I've no idea what to do with my days now that I've put it down.
Goes hand in hand with Dorothea Lange's incredible photos of the Great Depression.

Keep an eye out for her work.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Lemon Creams

Hmm. Until this week I never realised how much I missed (or indeed never appreciated) lemon creams. Especially Baker's Red Label lemon creams.


Friday, 14 August 2009

Nice deal

During the week I came across a lump of Kerrygold cheese which was either incorrectly priced or else a bit dodgy and horsed into the Bargain Bin. Nonetheless, it only cost R59.99/kg - pittance for cheese, as any cheese afficianado or cheapskate will tell you.
If anyone can beat that (approx €5.20/kg) I'd like to hear from you.
